Cultures and Societies Portal

What is culture? What is society? What is the relationship between culture and society? How can people coexist? And how do they explain their existence?

curated links: body multiple - Lecture

Feminist Readings of Classical Islamic Texts

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Omaima Abou-Bakr (Cairo), 

The lecture discusses two specific areas within the broad field of Islamic studies in which a feminist approach, such as examining the…

curated links: body multiple: projet de recherche

Le corps vulnérable: fictions et poét(h)ique(s) médiévales du 'care'

Université de Genève, Rose Delestre (Prof. Yasmina Foehr-Janssens)

La thèse consistera en l’analyse organisée d’un corpus de textes fictionnels du Moyen-Âge, et…

curated links - body multiple: Publication

Birgit Christensen:

Der menschliche Körper im Spiegel des Rechts


In der Studie wird der Frage nachgegangen, als was der menschliche Körper im Verlauf der Zeit begriffen wird und wie mit ihm umgegangen werden darf. Aufschluss darüber…



17th German International Ethnographic Film Festival

08. - 12.05.2024

The festival promotes documentary cinema with a special emphasis on new films, videos and interactive media (published after 1.1.2023) dealing with socio-cultural processes in a wide sense of the term.
